A Bread Bear in Bristol

Bread Bear in Bristol

Heidi who blogs at Steps on the Journey makes these beautiful bread bears as gifts for children and I have admired them on so many occasions and today I had a slightly too firm milky dough sitting in a bowl and I thought it might be perfect for a bread bear. So I went back to Heidi’s tutorial where I see I left a comment in November 2012, just shows me how time flies and how my head is full of good intentions but I got here finally!

Golden Bread Bear

I made a small tactical error of poking his eyes in just before I baked him, thinking that they would pop out and fall off so he is a bit squinty now, he looked slightly more alert before…

unbaked bread bear

…but I have given him an egg wash to show off his beautiful tummy and he has been sunbathing in the garden in between showers. Thank you Heidi for the tutorial – he has been making me smile today!

Sunbathing Bread Bear

37 thoughts on “A Bread Bear in Bristol

  1. heidiannie

    He is adorable! I love the egg wash- he shines with egg’y goodness!
    And I love that you didn’t forget to give him a belly button!
    Thanks for sharing the photos and for the shout out!
    Hopefully, Brian will be hungry enough to eat a bear!

  2. Joanna Post author

    Heidi, you know Brian has been eyeing him up, he kept saying be gentle with him, we don’t want his head to fall off – that is him holding him up for his photo in the middle – I don’t know if he will be able to ‘bear’ eating him ;) xx

    1. Joanna Post author

      He is very cute and I had an urge to leave him outside snoozing amongst the poppies but I thought the fox might carry him off :D

  3. cecilia

    What a stunning little bear! And what an adorable idea, i must set to work and have a go… soon… maybe in a year!! c

  4. Karin Anderson

    If our ungrateful children had done their duty in presenting their deserving parents with grandchildren, I would bake this cute bear in an instant :)

  5. drfugawe

    Yes, he is cute, but do you have any idea what potential harm this is doing to the future of the Gingerbread-man?

  6. narf77

    He is certainly enjoying the sunshine isn’t he! Reminds me of Bezial upside down on the deck when it’s sunny ;) (a similar fat tummy but don’t tell him I told you! ;) )

    1. Joanna Post author

      I love it when dogs lie on their backs and their legs go floppy. I am sure Bezial has a perfectly lovely tum :)

      1. narf77

        Perfectly huge at times (when he can get more treats out of me ;) ). Earl does it to but he crosses his front feet and for a cross between a “bull ant and a Tasmanian Devil” he can look pretty cute ;)

  7. lovinghomemade

    That’s brilliant! I made a plaited loaf for the first time today and was ridiculously pleased with myself – I can’t imagine making a bear that looks like that! He is very cute.

  8. maree

    Hey Joanna,
    Wow he’s cute as!! Does he have a name? I just love his tummy…I bet he loves his grub.

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