Thoughtless Thursdays (for Nic)

Lingonbrod bread mix

Tutak gave me this a while ago. I think I’ll mix it up and see what happens! I’ll share the results later. Wish me luck!

And here are the results… it looks like bread, but that’s as far as it goes. I’ll toast a bit in the morning, maybe it will be nicer then….

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Saturday : Got round to toasting a piece or two. Tried on a friend. Verdict: texture something like a soft soda bread, very soft crumb, a bit undersalted, bland, not enough fruit to make a taste impact. Better than the one in the box where you add water to the box and shake it up that Tutak gave me once before, bless her!  Far better to buy the knackebrod and the fishpaste with dill or some matjes herring if you really feel you have no choice but to go to IKEA.

Contents according to the label:

Plain flour, wholemeal rye flour, rye fibres (?), malt (from barley), wheat gluten, salt, sugar, fermented rye flour, dextrose, freeze dried lingonberries, (0.3% – not enough!) and rape lecithin.  Plus 2 packets of yeast stuck to the top of the bag, except mine weren’t there when Tutak gave them to me.

Gives you baking instructions on the back of the packet.

10 thoughts on “Thoughtless Thursdays (for Nic)

  1. drfugawe

    Oh yeah, the Scandinavian roots! Ever see how lingonberries grow? You’d have to get down on your belly to pick them – Ha. They’re in the same family as blueberries (maybe they can cross them with a high-bush blueberry to make them easier to pick) and my beloved ‘evergreen huckleberry”. Should be a delicious bread – we await the judgment.

  2. Joanna @ Zeb Bakes Post author

    When I have my reading glasses on I will list the contents of the bag for your delight.

    I am thinking of masochistically baking from a packet once in a while – I saw that Mary Berry, high priestess of British cake shows, has some packet cake mixes in Waitrose today….

    Celia, I think Doc and Heidi know more about lingonberies than me ;)

  3. Nip it in the bud

    for me? too kind :o)
    The Mary Berry cake mixes are good from what I recall (chocolate cake mix last used in 1996!). Just add water and oil and hey presto. Perfect every time!

    1. Joanna @ Zeb Bakes Post author

      I might try one if you recommend it Nic :P Just toasted a piece of the IKEA lingonberry bread mix. Tastes: soft wholemeal with bits in, a little bit bland, and not enough lingonberries to really give you a sense of them, but a good butter and jam holder nevertheless.

  4. Barbara

    Lingonberries taste almost like cranberries – same family too, but growes on small bushes in pine woods. Have not tasted the bread, but similar breads can be bought here in Sweden and are not very good.
    Jo, I have just brought the Hamelman book, will come by post on Monday….Am baking sour dough breads now, have even bought a baking stone, and love it.

    1. Joanna @ Zeb Bakes Post author

      Hi Toronto Girl West – Yikes, I threw the packet out… I couldn’t be bothered to make the second half of the packet. On the packet I had there were instructions in multiple languages and it was a question of looking through until you found the english one…

      Mine didn’t have the yeast on it though. Did your pack come with yeast? If so, use it, if not then maybe you need to add a sachet like I did.

      From memory it was simply a question of for the whole bag use 2 sachets (a sachet = 7g) of dried yeast and then add water, 1kg of mix so maybe 600 ml water, mix, leave to prove till doubled, shape, leave again and then I think I baked at 200 C for about 35 minutes. I only used half the bag and made one loaf with one sachet of yeast that I had in the house. I ate one piece and put the rest out for the birds.

      I just googled ‘ikea lingonberry bread mix instructions’ and found this blogger who has made it with instructions and a little step by step

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